Menopause, Time to Prepare your second spring.

Caring for Women,
Every Step of the Way
at CDG Korean Medicine Clinic.


“Care That Comes From the Heart”

Patients, weary from pain and suffering, come to the clinic with desperate hearts.
Yet for the Clinic, treating a patient can easily become a routine part of the day.

This happens when familiarity sets in.

Even complex and delicate medical procedures,
which should always be performed with the utmost care and attention, can eventually become routine tasks.
At that moment when tension relaxes due to familiarity, the extraordinary becomes ordinary.

At CDG Korean Medicine Clinic, we fear this familiarity.
We strive to deepen our wisdom through experience while maintaining the humility of a beginner.

We refuse to become complacent with our skills and knowledge.
환자의 숨은 사정을 살핌으로써 모든 치료가 비범한 한의원
그리하여 마침내 진심과 신뢰로 환자와 소통하는 한의원
그것이 창덕궁한의원이 추구하는 남다른 전문성이자 실력입니다.

Learn more

Medical subject

Treatment Areas

We operate a personalized treatment system that respects the uniqueness of each patient.

For a New Turning Point in Life…
Menopause Clinic

Build Resilient Health for the Start of a New Chapter. At CDG Korean Medicine Clinic, We provide personalized treatment through precise examinations, including genetic constitution analysis. Experience your body gradually improving day by day through treatments customized to your symptoms and constitution.

With the Hearth of a Fellow Women…
GSM Care Clinic

We understand the unspoken challenges.that women face and help restore the confidence you‘ve lost. CDG Korean Medicine Clinic provides compassionate, female-centered care that addresses both your physical and emotional needs.

Are you worried about coming off drugs?
Medications Tapering Clinic

With all the pills you take everyday, do you ever wonder if they‘re really safe? Rather than just masking symptoms, We focus on resolving the root causes of your health issues.

Achieving Optimal Health Through Balanced Solutions
Weight Loss Clinic

Weight loss is more than just a number. At CDG Korean Medicine Clinic, our approach to weight loss is about finding the perfect balance that suits your body. Experience your body’s optimization through precise testing and a tailored management program designed just for you.

Now, The era of Personalized Medicine, Start with the genetic constitution test.

HealthyCheck™ Room

Principles of

CDG Korean Medicine Clinic
Three Core Principles of Treatments

At CDG Korean Medicine Clinic,
We promise to provide our patients with the best possible care,
delivered with genuine sincerity.

  • 1,

    Integrating Traditional Korean Medicine
    with Modern Science.

    We implement a system that leverages the strengths of nature-friendly Korean medicine,
    combined with accurate diagnosis through blood tests and genetic constitution analysis.
    This approach allows us to precisely understand and stimulate the body's physiology, resulting in truly effective treatments.

  • 2,

    Lifestyle Correction through
    'Food Therapy' (Sikchi)

    Our bodies are built from the nutrients we consume.
    Proposing diet plans tailored to each patient's constitution and managing eating habits form the foundation of our treatment.
    This approach improves and strengthens the body's natural healing power.

  • 3,

    Emotional Stability for
    Patient and Practitioner

    A patient's emotional stability and trust in their practitioner are the first steps towards successful treatment.
    Through attentive communication that prioritizes the patient,
    We cultivate a genuine bond between patient and practitioner.


창덕궁한의원의 새로운 소식을 전달해드립니다.

Clinic Information


Clinic Hours

  • Monday - Friday

    10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Saturday

    10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Sunday

    10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Appointment required)
  • Lunch Hour

    CDG Korean Medicine Clinic operates without a lunch break.
  • Closed on holidays.


3rd floor, 7, Seongnam-daero 331 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea