I’m Dr. Joori Choi, Director of CDG Korean Medicine Clinic.
Sometimes, we’re startled to notice a version of ourselves that doesn’t quite feel like us. And when we realize that this discomfort isn’t something we can simply
overcome with poise or care, as we might have with our youthful immaturity, we begin to sense the inevitability of aging.
But does aging - or menopause, often seen as the onset of true aging -
really have to feel like a loss or a burden?
The word for menopause in Korean includes a character meaning “renew” or “see again.”
It’s a time to rewrite your own history, just like setting a new personal record.
So, menopause—or perhaps we could call it “renewal age”—is a precious journey, one that’s as transformative as adolescence, to rediscover who you truly are.
I’ve dedicated years of study and clinical experience to helping people complete this journey safely and healthily.
And to continue being a caring and capable guide, I’m constantly “renewing” myself, exploring new ways forward.
It’s my sincere hope that everyone who joins this journey with me ultimately finds an even truer version of themselves.
Thank you.

CDG Korean Medicine Clinic
Dr. Joori Choi
- · Completed the Advanced Course in Pharmaceutical Industry Medicine at Seoul National University
- · Ph.D. in Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University
- · Master’s in Korean Medicine, Dongguk University
- · Bachelor’s in Korean Medicine, Dongguk University
- · Head Doctor, CDG Korean Medicine Clinic
- · Former Director, Korea Federation of SMEs
- · Former Director, Donguibonga Healing Town in Sancheong
- · Chairman, Korean Medicine Industry Cooperative
- · Executive Member, Sasang Constitution Pulse Diagnosis Society
- · Regular Member, Korean Society of Functional Nutrition in Korean Medicine
- · Regular Member, Korean Society of Clinical Nutrition in Korean Medicine
- · Commendation from the Minister of Health and Welfare